Home Adobe Premiere Pro How to Create X-Ray Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2020)

How to Create X-Ray Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2020)

Learn how to Create an Xray effect in Adobe Premiere Pro


Do you enjoy watching videos with a futuristic vibe?! Creating an X-ray effect is a fun way to give your piece a bit of that sci-fi feeling! Now understand, this won’t create a literal X-ray. For that you would need to use actual VFX in something like After Effects to render something into place. But for a quick and vibrant effect, it can easily be accomplished in Premiere Pro!

How to Create an X-Ray Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2020)

  1. Create a sequence. Then, drag your footage into the timeline.
  2. Go to New-> Adjustment Layer.
  3. Drag the adjustment layer above the footage.
  4. Go to Effects and find the effect “Invert”. Drag that onto the ADJUSTMENT LAYER.
  5. Go up to effect controls. Find the invert effect.
  6. Click on the square 4-point polygon button.
  7. Drag the points to make it a line across the footage. Use the shift key when dragging to make the lines straight.
  8. Click on the toggle animation stopwatch.
  9. Move the mask up off the top of the screen.
  10. Now move forward about 2-3 seconds in time. Move the mask down off the bottom of the screen!

Now you have an easily created x-ray effect that you can expand to fit any scenario!

If you have any questions, let me know in the comment section below, or on the video itself!



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