Knowing a couple of quick tricks can help make a plain video look really professional. This is especially true with text animations. Whether it’s when introducing a interviewee, opening a scene, or giving the location, putting a little animation on your text can spice things up. Today I am going to be going over a really quick and professional looking text reveal. Let’s learn how to create a quick professional text reveal in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
How to Create a Quick Professional Text Reveal in Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2018)
- First create a new sequence with your selected footage.
- Then click on the text tool, go to your sequence and type the text in that you want to use.
- Format the text and put it where you would like it to end up.
- Then go into effects and find an effect called crop. Drag that onto your text file.
- Go into effect controls and look for the crop effect. Go to the bottom and drag it up to create an artificial line.
- Now go up to the text layer in effect controls. Make sure NOT to go to the motion controls for the whole layer.
- Go to the motion controls for the text, and click on the stop watch. Now drag the footage down beneath the artificial line.
- Move forward about 10 or so frames, and return it to it’s starting position.
- Go to the keyframes that you just created. Right click on the left one and go to Temporal Interpolation -> Easy Out. Go to the right key frame and go to Temporal Interpolation -> Easy In.
There you have it, a quick text reveal animation. This is something you can create in 30 seconds once you learn it. It’s a quick effect to pull off, and can really give your piece a more professional feel!
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